Sponsor a Home Build
House sponsors not only contribute financially to the hard costs of home construction, they also provide the volunteer support needed to help build each home.
Whether you are interested in offering a team-building opportunity for your company, providing outreach and fellowship opportunities for your congregation, or want to bring a group of friends together to support affordable homeownership in our community, Rockland Habitat has a range of sponsorship levels to meet any budget and group size.
Sponsorship Levels
Any of our three levels of sponsorship is a critical Habitat Partner, making a significant commitment to affordable housing in the Rockland County area and demonstrating true civic leadership in the community. In addition to the below, all sponsor levels will receive recognition through our media outlets and have your company's name displayed at the build site for the duration the build.
Full House Sponsor
Unlimited Build Days
Speaking opportunity at the groundbreaking ceremony
Speaking opportunity at the wall raising ceremony
Speaking opportunity at the home dedication ceremony
Half House Sponsor
10 Build Days
Speaking opportunity at the groundbreaking ceremony
Participate in the wall raising ceremony
Speaking opportunity at the home dedication ceremony
Quarter House Sponsor $50,000
5 Build Days
Participate in the groundbreaking ceremony
Participate in the wall raising ceremony
Speaking opportunity at the home dedication ceremony
For more information, please submit a form with your interest about sponsorship.